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Prentis Hancockの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Prentis Hancock ( Doctor Who Success) - 2015年12月27日
On October 1st 2015 I wrote to Prentis Hancock at Mondi Associates Ltd Unit 3 0 Cooper House 2 Michael Road London SW6 2AD and on 8th December received my 4 photos back all signed with the gold pen I had enclosed. Sorry there's no envelope but here are the pics below

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Prentis Hancock success - 2015年10月26日
Sent a letter to prentis Hancock 12th October recieved 3 photos signed today in my sae in black marker today 26th October 2015 2 photos from dr who and one photo from the return of the Saint. Address. Mondi Associates Limited Outdated I am very happy with this success as he was a great TV actor back in the day. Sorry no upload works here Update. Yes thanks admin for editing my post you prick The address was correct.

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Prentis Hancock ( Doctor Who Success) - 2015年7月24日
I wrote to Prentis Hancock on July 6th 2015 to the address in the database and sent my DVD covers and a VHS cover along with a letter and today to my complete surprise got them back.... Happy Bunny below are scans and a photo of the envelope they all turned up in. Sent to Mondi Associates Limited Unit 3 O Cooper House 2 Michael Road London SW6 2AD

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

Gerrit W. Gong (Lds Church Apostle) Success!
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Hi Everyone!
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Sallie Harmsen Fast Success!



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