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Prince Williamの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

Prince and Princess of Wales (Prince William / Kate Middleton) - 2024年3月31日
Sent: 11/12/2023 - christmas card Received: 14/03/2024 - christmas card Photo is on my website:

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Prince William and Catherine Middleton Success! - 2015年11月2日
Sent a letter for their Wedding during April 2011, received a reply in November. TRH sent this nice postcard with their thanks to me! Front: Back:

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Prince William & The Duchess Of Cambridge Fun Success - 2015年4月5日
So I thought it would be fun to invite Prince William and Kate to our wedding in September. Obviously I wasn't expecting them to come but it was very nice to receive a very prompt reply from their secretary at Kensington Palace. Sent March 5th and received 17th March. Despite getting my surname wrong (should be Dowsett) and a very poorly grammatically written letter, it's a nice momentum to have :-) :-) http://surfmypictures.com/image/bc2dfc9 ... p5bxh.html

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Prince William & Kate Middleton Failure - 2013年6月28日
I wrote to Prince William & Kate Middleton around the end of May sometime and on the 22nd of June, I received a rejection letter from who I believe is their lady in waiting or the lady who deals with mail. As soon as I saw the Buckingham Palace postmark I got really excited! I will just say, I was not expecting a signed photo but I mentioned it in my letter and how I knew it wasn't a possibility but I'd love to receive any type of correspondence. It may not be a success but the letter just feels 'royal' and 'special' so it will be stored and loved anyway!

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Prince William Success - 2013年2月15日
Hello! I sent letter to Prince William and today I got repley <img src= Nice letter from The Office and photo <img src= Sent: 23-01-2013 received 15-02-2013 Prince William Clarence House London SW1A 1BA UK PHOTO:

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