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Rachel McAdamsの直筆サイン入り写真 (12 / 12ページ):

Rachel McAdams - 2011年11月24日
Hi! I sent letter, SASE, LOR and my 3 photos 22th april 2010. Received it back on 11/14/2011. I used addresse: Rachel McAdams Magnolia Entertainment 9595 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 601 Beverly Hills, CA 90212-2506 - By ###://profile.imageshack.us/user/ivon8:ivon8 - By ###://profile.imageshack.us/user/ivon8:ivon8 - - By ###://profile.imageshack.us/user/ivon8:ivon8

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Rachel McAdams Success - 2011年11月15日
I found yesterday suprise in my mail box.. It was letter from Canada. I was so suprised because I didnt know about any autograph from Canada. So I opened it and there was a beautiful photo of miss Rachel McAdams. I sent her letter year ago to USA, so it was really strange. But I am glad, she is really nice. She has included big photo. Sent: 2 photos, SAE, IRC, letter - 10.5.2010 Received: 1 big photo by her - 14.11.2011 Address: Rachel McAdams Magnolia Entertainment 9595 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 601 Beverly Hills - -

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Old Rachel Mcadams success - 2011年7月8日
I sent Rachel a request on 11/9/2010 with a photo to the following address c/o Magnolia Productions 9595 wilshire blvd suite 601 Beverly Hills CA 90212-2506 and rec my photo backed signed in my sase on 4/30/2011

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Rachel McAdams Success - 2011年5月17日
sent: dec 27,2010 recvd: apr. 10,2011 sent rachel mcadams 2 movie ticket stubs and she signed both and enclosed her own picture which needed to be in a bigger envelope and paid for postage plus returned my stamps as well!!! shes amazing, one of my top favorite actresses of all time!! thankyou rachel!! ps i used the addy on the site <img src= Rachel McAdams Magnolia Entertainment 9595 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 601 Beverly Hills, CA 90212-2506 USA -

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Rachel McAdams Super Success! - 2011年5月9日
Date Send: 27/12/2010 Date Received: 9/05/2011 Send: LOR, 2 photos (4x6) and a SAE Received: my 2 photos signed and personalized, and another 8x10 signed and personalized! Address used: Rachel McAdams Magnolia Entertainment 9595 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 601 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 USA Note: *squeals and hugs her photos* I LOVE THEM! My mom was like theyre all photos of the same person? *nods* wow... Pictures: - - - -

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