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Rachel Weiszの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Sent SASE with three pictures and a nice letter requesting for her autograph in the month of March 2016. Took exactly one year since i sent it. frankly speaking wasn't expecting anything back when i sent it as there were no success posts since 2014 but still sent hoping for the best. shes been so wonderful as she personalized all the three pictures. Her signature varies but i did check on the net and they are very similar to what i have got. Very pleased with this success as its been some time since i had not got any reverts to my other mails and here comes the most amazing of them all after exactly 11 months. Here are the pictures. http://surfmypictures.com/image/02bb26e ... mq5hu.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/02bb26e ... w148o.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/02bb26e ... pmblx.html The address i used was the one in the data base. Rachel Weisz Independent Talent Group Ltd. 40 Whitfield Street London W1T 2RH UK

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Sent SASE with three pictures and a nice letter requesting for her autograph in the month of March 2016. Took exactly one year since i sent it. frankly speaking wasn't expecting anything back when i sent it as there were no success posts since 2014 but still sent hoping for the best. shes been so wonderful as she personalized all the three pictures. Her signature varies but i did check on the net and they are very similar to what i have got. Very pleased with this success as its been some time since i had not got any reverts to my other mails and here comes the most amazing of them all after exactly 11 months. Here are the pictures. http://surfmypictures.com/image/02bb26e ... mq5hu.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/02bb26e ... w148o.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/02bb26e ... pmblx.html The address i used was the one in the data base. Rachel Weisz Independent Talent Group Ltd. 40 Whitfield Street London W1T 2RH UK

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rachel weisz success - 2014年10月26日
I receive the below success from Rachel. Sent photo and SAE to be the below address. Photo send mid September and receive back 25th October 2014 Address: From database Photo: - Please take a look at my page for other success and message me if would like any address. https://www.facebook.com/guysautographs Thanks Guy

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