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Rachelle Lefevreの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 4ページ):

Rachelle Lefevre. Success. - 2016年3月20日
Sent:30/03/2015 Received: 29/07/2015 Photo: http://surfmypictures.com/image/da70d0b ... x42nt.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/da70d0b ... s0qqp.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/da70d0b ... nnytt.html Address: fanmail

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Rachelle Lefevre success! - 2015年4月23日
Sent LOR, SAE, 2 photo to mrs. Lefevre 1 year ago to Under the Dome address. Today 2 awesome photo come to me. All signed. Rachelle Lefevre "Under the Dome - Season 3" (Until Jun 30 2015) Screen Gems Studio 1223 N 23rd St Wilmington, NC 28405 USA Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Rachelle Lefevre Success! - 2015年4月21日
I sent letter with 2 photos, SEA, IRC to Rachelle in March 2015 to shooting "Under the Dome". 4/14/2015 I've got one my photo signed and personalized. I'm really happy - thank you Rachelle! <img src= ) Via Venue Address: Rachelle Lefevre "Under the Dome - Season 3" Screen Gems Studio 1223 N 23rd St Wilmington, NC 28405 USA

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Rachelle Lefevre Success - 2015年4月19日
Hello Everyone <img src= Sent: 16/08/2014 Received: 18/04/2015 Address used: Rachelle Lefevre Screen Gems Studio 1223 N 23rd St Wilmington, NC 28405 USA Photo+Envelope : http://surfmypictures.com/image/a386b42 ... 87cou.html

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Rachelle Lefevre Success - 2015年4月18日
Hi everyone ! <img src= Today, I received signed and personalized photo of Rachelle Lefevre! Really happy, I love her in Under the Dome! There is a return address on the envelope but it's the same as the one I used. Address used: Rachelle Lefevre Screen Gems Studio 1223 N 23rd St Wilmington, NC 28405 USA Sent: 16/08/2014 Received: 18/04/2015 Photo+Envelope :

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