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Ralph H. Baerの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Ralph H. Baer FAILURE - 2012年10月27日
About a week ago I sent Mr Baer (the video game pioneer) a nice letter, 3 photos, and a SASE. Today I got my SASE back with my 3 photos unsigned, along with a typed note that reads, "Response by me to requests such as yours are now showing up regularly on E-Bay. As a result, I am no longer going to sign any requests for autographs, sign photos that shouldn't have been copied off the web in the first place, much less take the time to sketch game systems, all of which I have done in the past. If you are among those individuals who have no problem violating confidences, then shame on you. If you are not, then blame those who do so and whose integrity is conspicuous by its absence. -RHB." So it's pretty obvious this guy is done signing. I was pretty disappointed to get this, but I respect it and will not violate his confidences. Anybody else got this back too?

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SENT 2 PHOTOS TO HIS PERSONAL POSTAL ADDRESS (CANT DISCLOSE) ON 18 DEC 2011 RCVD PHOTOS AUTOGRAPHED ON 5 JAN 2012 Exchanged couple of emails and he sent his autograph and picture through email but I requested him to give his postal address and sent USD 1 for the postage along with SAE. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/692/rb1sh.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/593/79722729.jpg/

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Ralph H. Baer Success - 2011年12月13日
Sent three photos and SASE to address in the database on 12-6-2011. Received three photos signed in my SASE on 12-12-2011. -

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Ralph H. Baer Success! (World famous inventor) - 2011年11月9日
Ralph baer fast success, 2 for 2 signed index cards. it was about 2 weeks, and i used the address in the database

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Ralph H. Baer Success! - 2011年7月11日
Ralph H. Baer is the inventor of many items, and the two best known are Simon and the Magnavox Odyssey, the first ever home video game system. On June 30th, I sent him an LOR and a SASE. Today, July 11, 2011, I received a personalized signed photo (printed on normal paper) in my SASE. He also returned the LOR I sent and wrote "Thanks for the kind words, Sean. I appreciate them. -Ralph H. Baer" in the bottom right-hand corner! He even added cardboard in my SASE so the photo wouldnt get bent! <img src= I sent him an email before sending the LOR and he replied with his personal address. <img src= I wont be posting his email address or his personal address. Sorry! Sent: 6/30/11 Received: 7/11/11 Total Wait: 11 Days! <img src= Photos: - "To Sean: All the best, Ralph H. Baer" - "Thanks for the kind words, Sean. I appreciate them. -Ralph H. Baer" Envelope: -

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