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Randy Emberlinの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Artist Randy Emberlin success - 2017年5月29日
Randy Emberlin is a comic book artist. He is best known for his ink work on the Spider-Man comic books. Per the bio on his website, he currently lives in Portland, OR. He has spent the past 30 years working in a variety of creative fields. Whether as an illustrator of educational books or an animator on over 50 television commercials, he has made his presence felt through style and sensibilities. Over the last 20 years he is probably best known for his work as an inker in comics, with a resume that includes long runs on Amazing Spider-man, GI Joe, Doctor Strange, Alien Legion, Ghost and recently the Left Behind series for Wildstorm. He has worked with a wide range of pencilers and has many distinctive styles that fans are well acquainted with. mailed phot 2-20-17 received signed 2-28-17 used: Randy Emberlin 15212 NW Eugene Ln. Portland, OR 97229 http://randyemberlin.com/contact/

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