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Ravenの直筆サイン入り写真 (11 / 17ページ):

Wes Craven Success - 2014年7月13日
On 03/24/14 I sent a LOR, SASE and two 4x6 to one of the greatest horror directors of all time to the address in the database and on 07/12/14 I received both my photos back signed with a little note about my letter also signed. I am thrilled with this success as I have been of fan of his my entire life. I grew up peeing the bed from Freddy Krueger nightmares. lol Uploaded with

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Coach Jim Habaugh (Baltimore Ravens) - 2014年5月12日
Sent email to the Baltimore Ravens website and received a pic.

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Raven (wrestler) failure - 2014年5月6日
I sent to ecw legend Raven in march and got it back to day rts looking like it (the envelope) was mauled. used the address here on the site

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Ray Rice (Baltimore Ravens) SUCCESS! - 2014年4月25日
Sent letter SASE and photo on 8/28 received today! Sent c/o Ravens. Uploaded with

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Ozzie Newsome SUCCESS! (Baltimore Ravens) - 2014年3月1日
Sent letter SASE and photo on Feb. 18 received signed and inscribed "HOF 99" today! Address Mr. Ozzie Newsome c/o Baltimore Ravens M&T Bank Stadium 1101 Russell Street Baltimore, MD 21230

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

Terry Moore Success
Glenn Bass (Former Buffalo Bills Wr) Success!
Nfl Emmanuel Forbes, Jr Fail / Rts (Los Angeles Rams)
Nhl Stu Barnes Success (Tri-City Americans)
Mlb Lonnie Chisenhall Success
Connor Zilisch Nascar Success
Malgorzata Tracz Success
Ben Nighthorse Campbell Success
Glenn Close Success
Former Mlb Pat Perry Success
2025年3月 9日



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