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Raymond Berryの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 3ページ):

Raymond Berry (Football HOF) Success - 2015年2月25日
I received a great success from HOF WR Raymond Berry! It took a while though, sent on 1/10/14 and it came back on 2/21/15. I received my 1964 Philadelphia card signed and inscribed. I also received a custom card and photo also signed and personalized. Sent to: Mr. Raymond Berry 1110 SE Broad St Murfreesboro, TN 37130

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Raymond Berry Great Success! - 2014年1月28日
Sent one photo, LOR, SASE to Raymond Berry on 01/14/2014 and received the photo, along with 2 cards, all of which were personalized on 01/28/2014! One of the best success for me yet! Used this address: Raymond Berry 1110 SE Broad St Murfreesboro, TN 37130 Photo - -

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Raymond Berry Success!! - 2013年7月27日
I sent the request TTM, I sent a SASE, LOR, a drawing of him, and a Q&A sheet. It took one week for me to get it back. He signed my drawing, but didn't fill out the Q&A sheet. He included 4 pictures, all signed, a casette and DVD that were both instructional videos about catching technique. That will help me for next football season! That was very nice of him. Sorry my scanner is down. Thank you Mr. Berry!

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RAYMOND BERRY SUCCESS 8X !!! - 2013年5月7日
Sent 3 pics 2index cards on 4/18/13 got back on 4/24/13 all 3 pics signed as well as both index cards and he even sent me two of his own cards and a picture mr berry is a class act all that he signed for me this was my 1st ttm success and I am so pumped on ttm auto s now im hooked for life

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Raymond Berry (NFL HOA) - AMAZING Success - 2013年3月13日
Raymond Berry (NFL) Mailed: 12/26/12 (2) 5x7 19 Day Turnaround Received: 1/14/13 GREAT Success, Answered Q&A, Personalized, & Sent His Own. This was one of the BEST successes I have ever had. Personalized both of the pics I sent, then sent a bio card personlilzed, then small testimony card that gives some insight on his faith. Also answer the Q&A which gives me even more of a feeling of who he is. Used address in the database -

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