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Rea Garveyの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Autograph of Rea Garvey - 2021年7月9日
I send on 6.3.2021 an autograph request to Rea Garvey. On 3.7.2021 I get my 3 pictures signed. Address: Rea Garvey, JewelMusic, Dresdenerstraße 109, 10179 Berlin, Germany You can see my autograph collection on my Instagram page.

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Rea Garvey Success, Singer - 2018年12月22日
Heute Neu: Rea Garvey c/o Jewel Management GmbH, Dresdener Stra�e 109, 10179 Berlin 1 OAK mit Widmung + 2 mitgeschickte Fotos signiert 04.07.2018 - 22.12.2018 http://free-picload.com/image/R8Ea:http://free-picload.com/images/2018/12/22/Rea-Garvey.md.jpg

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Rea Garvey Success - 2017年10月12日
Hello everyone, after a prolonged absence, I'll be posting some older successful autograph requests I received back in 2014/2015. I'll be following up with newer ones soon. Solo Artist: Rea Garvey is an Irish singer/songwriter/guitarist who has embarked on a solo career here in Germany while also recording and touring with the band, Reamonn. Address used: Rea Garvey c/o Jewel Music Dresdener Str. 109 10179 Berlin (GERMANY) Sent: 10/2/2014, 1 LOR, 1 SASE, 1 Photo Received: 11/26/2014, 1 signed photo Photo (return envelope/signed photo): Uploaded with

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Rea Garvey success !! - 2013年3月7日
He is a great singer and a jury member of "The Voice of Germany"! Sent: letter with a sase (18.Feb.2013) Received: card signed and personalized today (07.Mar.2013) Rea Garvey JewelMusic Dresdenerstr. 109 10179 Berlin Germany -

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Rea Garvey success - 2012年12月11日
Hey he is in the Jury from "The Voice of Germany" <img src= i send him a LOR and SASE on November 3rd, 2012 on this adress: Jewelmusic Dresdnerstr. 109 10179 Berlin Germany funny point. i send my letter in german, the dedication is in english <img src= cool <img src= on december 11th, 2012 i get it back <img src= envelope and autograph: -

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