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Regis Philbinの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 8ページ):

Regis Philbin Success - 2020年7月30日
I wrote to Mr. Philbin on 7/16/20 and assumed that I would not receive anything back due to his passing. I however received my card in the mail on 7/29/20 with a postmark date of 7/27/20. http://surfmypictures.com/image/b48a366a73d5cd7f/exmdv.html Uploaded with http://surfmypictures.comsurfmypictures

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Regis Philbin SUCCESS! - 2020年7月23日
I sent a letter, SASE and two photos on July 2nd and today I received both back signed! Address used: Mr. Regis Philbin 101 W 67th St Apt 51A New York, NY 10023

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Regis Philbin Success! - 2020年7月21日
Sent LOR, 8x10, and SASE to Regis Philbin and today received it back signed and inscribed! Sent: July 1, 2020 Received: July 21, 2020 Address used: Regis Philbin 101 W 67th St, Apt 51A New York, NY 10023 The envelope was forwarded by USPS to this address and arrived a week later (his home in CT): 56 N Stanwich Rd Greenwich, CT 06831 http://surfmypictures.com/image/9b1711f3bc44bc45/m54q3.html Uploaded with http://surfmypictures.comsurfmypictures

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Regis Philbin Success - 2018年9月4日
Regis Philbin, American TV personality ("Live with Regis," "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire") I wrote to Mr. Philbin on August 22, 2018 and received my photo back, signed and personalized on August 31, 2018. It is likely that he received my letter on August 25, his birthday, while I received mine on the 31st, which is mine! This is my second autograph I have received on my birthday! This is my 150th personalized success, my 20th from 30 Rock, 9th from Diagnosis Murder, 11th Disney Legend, 52nd Emmy winner, and 42nd Hollywood Walk of Fame recipient. As my 44th success of 2018, this is officially my biggest year of autograph collecting. Any I get through the end of the year sets a new record. Address Used: 101 West 67th St Apt. 51A New York, NY 10023-5953

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TV Host / Personality Regis Philbin Success - 2018年8月11日
Sent a LOR, SASE, and CIC to : Regis Philbin 101 West 67th St Apt. 51A New York, NY 10023-5953 Sent : 7/30/18 Recieved : 8/10/18 http://surfmypictures.com/image/b96c84c ... 0gy2h.html

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