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Rene Auberjonoisの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 3ページ):

Rene Auberjonois RTS - 2019年4月1日
I wrote to Mr. Auberjonois on 01/10/2019 and my envelope was returned on 04/01/2019 Rene Auberjonois c/o Marion Rosenberg P.O. Box 69826 Los Angeles, CA 90069-0826 http://surfmypictures.com/photo/5efa3fdff56ad85f/shwft/Rene_Auberjonois.jpg Onto the next address on my list

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Rene Auberjonois - 2018年12月28日
I wrote to Mr. Auberjonois at the address listed and my items and check were returned, the cost for a signed picture that you provide has risen to $30 a piece. Rene Auberjonois Oracle P.O. Box 16296 Minneapolis, MN 55416-0296 USA http://surfmypictures.com/image/9f26ec6 ... 6gbvi.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/9f26ec6 ... 4oo9u.html Just wanted everyone to know.

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Rene Auberjonois - 2018年9月18日
Rene Auberjonois I sent four photos 10x15, letter and an envelope with my address. I received my four photos without autographs and a letter. Sent - 01/08/2018 Received - 03/09/2018 Address used: Rene Auberjonois Oracle P.O. Box 16296 Minneapolis, MN 55416-0296 USA

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Rene Auberjonois fail - 2018年5月19日
I saw a couple of success posted earlier in the year, so I wrote to Mr. Auberjonois a couple of months ago c/o: The Oracle PO Box 16296 Minneapolis, MN 55416. Today I received my original LOR (unread) and trading card back unsigned in my SASE along with a secretarial letter explaining that Mr. Auberjonois requests a $30 charitable donation in exchange for personalized autographs, and that ALL autographs are personalized. I don't have anything against collecting for charity, or limiting his signing at his age, but personally if I'm going to spend $30 on a personalized autograph, I'd at least want it to be in person.

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Rene Auberjonois - 2018年5月18日
Rene Auberjonois Oracle P.O. Box 16296 Minneapolis, MN 55416-0296 USA Was Returned to me unsigned. To receive an autograph, one must donate $40.00 US via PayPal on his website or check payable to ORACLE (address above). You could find the information to send to him Joanne

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