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Rettaの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 4ページ):

NFL Ralph Perretta Success - 2022年7月26日
Sent a LOR, SASE and TC to: Ralph Perretta 1305 Calle Scott Encinitas, CA 92024 Sent: 7/15/22 Received: 7/26/22

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Loretta Swit RTS - 2021年8月6日
Loretta Swit RTS Sent a Letter to the following address on June 10, 2021 and was returned on June 20, 2021. Loretta Swit Swithearts, LLC 7120 Hayvenhurst Avenue Suite 104 Van Nuys, CA 91406-3813

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Gino Torretta ('92 Heisman winner) success - 2020年6月21日
Sent him an 8 by 10 on 2-27-2020 & got it back signed on 3-26-2020. Here's the addy I used: GAMCO Asset Management Inc. 249 Royal Palm Way Suite 503 Palm Beach, FL 33480

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Loretta Swit - 2018年9月16日
Sent lor,4x6 photo, sase to Ms Swit on 6/23/17 and received my photo returned w/letter on 9/15/18 requesting $35.00 for an autograph. The $35 goes to her charity "SwitHeart Animal Alliance c/o La Grange Management 7120 Hayvenhurst #104 Van Nuys, CA 91406. Loretta Swit The Artists Group, Ltd. 1650 Broadway Ste 1105 NY, NY 10019

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Loretta Devine Success! - 2017年10月11日
I dropped a line to the lovely Ms. Loretta Devine on September 29, 2017, and I got a marvelous response from her on October 10, 2017! I so enjoyed her work in Kingdom Come, The PJS, The Preachers Wife, and Madea's Big Happy Family. She's has such a great comedic timing and is such a lover of life as seen through her body of work. She told me in her comments that she is very glad to hear that I am a fan of hers and that she hopes I'll continue to be so as she moves forward into future, and current, projects coinciding with film and television. She signed off her message, "Love and Prayers", what a keeper! The address I used was not the one in the database, that being the following: Loretta Devine 3829 Crestway PL View Park, CA 90043-1754 *NO SCANNER

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

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