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Richard Donnerの直筆サイン入り写真 (4 / 4ページ):

Richard Donner Success - 2012年12月25日
Known For:[list: [* irector – The Omen[/*:m: [* irector – Superman[/*:m: [* irector – Superman II[/*:m: [* irector – The Goonies[/*:m: [* irector – Lethal Weapon[/*:m: [* irector – Scrooged[/*:m: [* irector – Lethal Weapon 2[/*:m: [* irector – Radio Flyer[/*:m: [* irector – Lethal Weapon 3[/*:m: [* irector – Maverick[/*:m: [* irector – Assassins[/*:m: [* irector – Conspiracy Theory[/*:m: [* irector – Lethal Weapon 4[/*:m: [* irector – 16 Blocks [/*:m:[/list:u: Sent: LOR, SASE, 2 B&W 8x10s, & Blue Sharpie on 12/06/2012 Received: SASE, the same 2 8x10s signed in Black on 12/24/2012 Address Used: Richard Donner The Donners’ Company 9465 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 420 Beverly Hills, CA 90212-2612 - -

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Richard Donner Success (The Omen,Goonies) - 2012年11月26日
Sent Richard a letter,3 photos,sae & some $$ for postage.Sent to the Address in the database.Received all 3 signed and dedicated plus he sent my $$ back. Richard Donner The Donners' Company 9465 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 420 Beverly Hills, CA 90212-2612 USA Sent..29.10.12 Received..16.11.12 Photo 1.. Photo 2.. Photo 3.. Envelope.. As always options on authenticity are appreciated.

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Richard Donner Personalized success X 5 - 2012年7月5日
sent 5 photos, LOR, and SAE 01.04.12. Address: Address in the database The Donners Company 9465 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 430 Beverly Hills, CA 90212-2612 USA Received 5 my photo signed ( 1 Personalized) 05.07.12. Foto: http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/6636 ... chard1.jpg http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/1311 ... chard2.jpg Env. http://img85.imageshack.us/img85/356/donnerrichard3.jpg

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richard donner authentic? - 2012年5月11日
I saw someone else get a success at the Donner Co address so I thought Id try with pretty much the same pic. It came back signed and dedicated in about ten days. The quick turnaround makes me wonder if its a sec. It looks the same as the one someone else got in five months but Id like a second opinion. Real or sec? - -

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Richard Donner (Direc-Goonies/Superman) - SUCCESS - 2012年4月12日
(8) Personalized Richard Donner (Direc-Goonies/Superman) Mailed: 4/25/11 (2 - 8½x11) 5 Month Turnaround Received: 9/24/11 Both Pictures Personlized Used Address in the database - By ###://profile.imageshack.us/user/ranbowski:ranbowski at 2012-04-11 - By ###://profile.imageshack.us/user/ranbowski:ranbowski at 2012-04-11

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