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Richard Kindの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

Richard Kind - 2013年9月27日
I sent a drawing to be signed to Richard kind on December 27, 2012. This is my success, received 223 days later, on September 7, 2013. used address in data base: Richard Kind Forster Entertainment 12533 Woodgreen St Bldg B Los Angeles CA 90066

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Richard Kind Success 4 year wait - 2013年5月25日
Sent Mr. Kind LOR, SASE and 2 pics back on 5-25-09. I dont have a record of what agency I sent too, but it was not the one in the database currently. I received both pics back signed today, 5-25-13..........4 years to the day. How weird is that? Envelope had a NY postmark, no return address. Stargate Atlantis photo: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v72/u ... 6387f8.jpg Bugs Life(Molt) photo: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v72/u ... c06657.jpg

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Richard Kind success - 2012年12月17日
Sent: SASE, LOR, 2 5x7 photographs on 18 October 2012 Received: My photographs signed and in my envelope on 15 December 2012 (I am catching up on successes after being on vacation for a week - so if some of the dates are old, please bear with me.) Address used: Richard Kind Forster Entertainment 12533 Woodgreen St. Bldg B Los Angeles, CA 90066 USA The scans can also be found on my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/SarahsAutosPage Photo 1 (Toy Story 3): - Photo 2 (Scrubs): - Envelope: -

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Richard Kind - Success - 2012年11月20日
Hi Fanmail.biz, On 10/20/12 I wrote to Richard Kind who played Paul Lassiter on spin city at the following address: Forster entertainment 12533 woodgreen St. Bldg B Los Angeles CA 90066 Then on 11/20/12 I got in the mail an 8X10 color photo of him with his signature on it. Did not send a SASE or anything. Wrote to him because i'm trying to get autographs of people from the show Spin City. Already have Michael J Fox and Heather locklear and now I have him. Thank you fanmail.biz.

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Richard Kind (Cars) success - 2012年8月3日
Got my custom card and a plain card back signed. Mailed 7/13/12...Recv.8/3/12 Mailed to:Forster - Delaney Management 12533 Woodgreen St. Los Angeles, CA 90066 -

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