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Richard O'Brienの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 3ページ):

Richard O'Brien - Success - 2022年11月18日
Sent a SAE, a letter and two photos to the following adress: Richard O'Brien P.O. Box 4711 Tonbridge, TN9 9JW UK Got both photos back signed plus a signed Index card there was an additional New Zealand stamp on my envelope, but the adress still seems to work Uploaded with Sent: 06/10/2022 Reply: 11/18/2022

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Richard O'Brien success - 2022年4月7日
Finally had some successes with my final batch (only 2 from the previous one so far), so I'll be posting them. Richard O'Brien, send to the address in the database. Send 22/01/2022 and arrived around 28/03. Richard O'Brien P.O. Box 4711 Tonbridge, TN9 9JW UK He signed but didn't personalise the picture I send, but did include an extra (personalised) picture. Seems to have come back from New-Zealand.

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Richard O'Brien success - 2021年3月8日
Sent Sept 20 2020 Received March 8 2021 TimeWarp Fan Club PO Box 4711 Tonbridge TN9 9JW. UK

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Richard O'Brien success - 2020年9月3日
Camera phone, maybe?

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Richard O'Brien success! - 2014年6月13日
On 29th April 2014 I wrote to Richard with an LOR, SAE and a photo. On 12th June 2014, I received my photo back signed. Not signed personally to me, but he did add a couple of musical notes above his sig! He must've been in New Zealand as the letter came from there and he had paid for the postage to the UK...thanks Richard! Address used as per db: PO Box 4711 Tonbridge Kent TN9 9JW Uploaded with

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

Hi Everyone!
Nancy Kovack- Sweet Success!!
Nfl Brandon Peters Fail / Rts
Tommy Chong Actor Success
Eric Brewer Nhl Success (Prince George Cougars)
Kevin Bacon
Sallie Harmsen Fast Success!
Sid Bream Baseball $$$
Chris Nilan Nhl Dns $$$
Mark Hirschbeck (Former Mlb Umpire) Success!



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