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Richard O'Brienの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 3ページ):

Richard O'Brien Success!!!! - 2014年1月26日
Sent a letter, Shock Treatment DVD booklet and SASE to the address in the database. This was around December 3rd-10th, I can't remember specifically. Received my SASE in the mail yesterday (January 24th) with my booklet signed and a nice little note Thanks so much Richard!!

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Richard O'Brien Amazing Success - 2012年12月6日
Sent: 9/20/2012 Received: 12/6/2012 Address Used: Richard O'Brien P.O. Box 4711 Tonbridge, TN9 9JW UK Sent a photo to Richard O'Brien about 2 1/2 months ago along with my 25th Anniversary Rocky Horror Picture Show DVD, LOR, SAE, and a couple of IRCs. Received back today with my photo personalized and my DVD signed in multiple places! Absolutely thrilled with this success!

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Richard O'Brien success - 2012年10月2日
02/21/12 (LOR, SAE, 2 photos) 04/12/12 (3 photos in my SAE) Richard O'Brien P.O. Box 4711 Tonbridge, TN9 9JW UK

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Richard O'Brien Rocky Horror/Shock Treatment Success - 2012年8月20日
I sent a LOR, and 4 4x6 photos and a $3.00 about 2 months ago to this address: Richard O'Brien P.O. Box 4711 Tonbridge, TN9 9JW UK Today I received the photos I sent signed. I used to go see The Rocky Horror Picture Show all the time, and Shock Treatment is my favorite musical. I always appreciate opinions on authenticity. Photo I sent: Envelope:

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Richard O'Brien success - 2011年10月25日
I sent a letter and SAE to Richard on: 13th September 2011, and today I recieved this photo back. address I used was: Richard O'Brien, PO Box 4711, Tonbridge TN9 9JW Here is the pic: Uploaded with

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