Richard O'Brienの直筆サイン入り写真 (3 / 3ページ):
Richard O'Brien (The Rocky Horror Picture Show) Success! - 2011年9月15日 I sent a LOR, SAE, Question and Answer Sheet, and 1 photo to him last month (in August). Today I recieved my photo backed signed (Yaaaaay! ), my Q. & A. sheet filled out, and he also sent a photo of his own that he signed.
**Oh, yeah...I used the address in the database.**
This is my favorite success so far!
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Richard O'Brien (Rocky Horror) Success - 2011年9月10日
Sent a picture and index card to the database address last month sometime, received these 3 days ago.
Richard O'Brien
P.O. Box 4711
Tonbridge, TN9 9JW
He also included his own pic (The big one signed 'Richard X').
Sorry no envelope. |
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