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Richard Pettyの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 19ページ):

NASCAR Richard Petty SUCCESS! - 2024年5月29日
Coolest success I've gotten by far. Sent 1 TC, LOR, and SASE to the address below on 5/15/24: Richard Petty c/o Petty Enterprises 311 Branson Mill Road Randleman, NC 27317 Returned on 5/29/24 with a beautiful signature in silver Sharpie. Thank you to The King! http://surfmypictures.com/image/f65be3d87e20531f/iamdh.html

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Richard Petty NASCAR Success - 2024年3月20日
Sent LOR, SASE, 2TC to Richard Petty on 2/3/24. Got them back signed today. Richard Petty c/o Petty Museum 309 Branson Mill Rd Randleman, NC 27317 http://surfmypictures.com/image/32bf6441689f39ae/9fmrk.html

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NASCAR - Richard Petty Success with BONUS! - 2023年12月31日
Sent an 8x10 to address below on 12/5/23 and received it back signed on 12/30/23. The picture that I sent was a picture of him with Kyle Petty and I mentioned in my letter that I planned on sending it to Kyle once I received it back from Richard and it came back signed by both of them. I thought that was pretty cool of him. Curious to see if he'll continue to sign after the New Year. Richard Petty Museum. 311 Branson Mill Rd. Randleman, NC 27317

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🏎?💨 Richard Petty Success 🏁 - 2023年10月27日
After hearing that Richard Petty would stop signing after the end of the year, I had to reach out and request and autograph. He signed 2/2 but they didn't come out too great. Richard Petty 309 Branson Mill Rd Randleman, NC 27317 [youtubeOerLMLRYbhg[/youtube

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Richard Petty Fail - 2023年9月21日
Got a letter back stating that beginning in the year 2024 he will no longer be signing autographs through the mail. He returned my cards with a autopen letter that had the note attached. Stating he is overwhelmed with his requests and has been noticing a spike in how many of his signatures are on Ebay. Very sad that this legend will no longer be part of the TTM game.

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