Richard Rawlingsの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 2ページ):
Gas Monkey Garage: Richard Rawlings and Aaron Kaufman - 2014年3月3日 A quick turn around from the guys at Gas Monkey Garage (Fast N Loud TV Show on Discovery)
Richard Rawlings and Aaron Kaufman
Gas Monkey Garage
Day Sent: 2/24/14
Day Received: 3/3/14
Total Time: 7 days
Address Used:
Mr. Richard Rawlings and Mr. Aaron Kaufman
Gas Monkey Garage
2330 Merrell Road
Dallas, TX 75229
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Gas Monkey Garage (Richard Rawlings & Aaron Kaufman) - 2013年4月11日 I sent a letter,sase and 3 pics to Richard Rawlings & Aaron Kaufman from discovery channels "Fast n Loud" where they restore cool cars and just have fun at Gas monkey Garage in Dallas I sent about 3 weeks ago and today i got my pics back signed from Richard and Aaron which is awesome because i love the show and im a car guy myself -->
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