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Rick Hurstの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 2ページ):

Rick Hurst (Dukes of Hazzard) Success! - 2014年3月10日
Sent Mr. Hurst 1 LOR, SASE and 8x10 photo on 12/02/2014. On 26/02/2014, I received my photo signed and personalized. This is the third reply I got from a star of the Dukes of Hazzard. Already I have James Best (Rosco) and Catherine Bach (Daisy). I am now attempting to get John Schneider (Bo Duke) & Sonny Shroyer (Enos). Used the address in the database.

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Rick Hurst .. The Dukes of Hazzard success - 2014年2月2日
Sent Mr. Hurst a SASE, a LOR and a custom index card on 01 15 2014 and got it back signed and personalized on 01 25 2014. Mr. Hurst also wrote a small personal note on my letter and returned it as well. Nice success... Address used was his personal address in West Hollywood. -

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Rick Hurst "Cletus Hogg" on Dukes Of Hazzard Success - 2012年9月4日
Sent: LOR and a Dukes of Hazzard trading card on 8/24/12 Address Used: Rick Hurst 1230 Horn Ave. Apt #401 W. Hollywood, CA 90069 Received: Trading card personalized and signed on 9/4/12 -

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

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