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Rita Oraの直筆サイン入り写真 (3 / 3ページ):

Rita Ora Success (Slightly Strange) - 2012年9月6日
Sent, LOR+SAE :31st August Received, Album promo signed and Newspaper Article Signed: 6th September - Im pretty sure its authentic, given the news paper article

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Rita Ora - 2012年8月22日
Sent 2 photos, LOR and SASE. (15th Aug 2012) Received both photos back signed in my SASE. (21st Aug 2012) Subscribe to my youtube for Autograph updates and Autograph giveaways: http://www.youtube.com/user/PaulsTTM?feature=mhee 8x10 Photo: http://pautographs.webs.com/apps/photos ... =163424743 5x7 Photo: http://pautographs.webs.com/apps/photos ... =163424744

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Rita Ora - success! - 2012年8月21日
Sent: LOR, SAE, 2 pictures When: 14th August 2012 Recieved: my 2 pictures back signed & personalised When: 21st August 2012 Picture with Envelope: - Address Used: Rita Ora c/o Turn First Artists Grove Studios Adie Road London W6 0PV So happy with this success! In the letter of request, I asked if Rita would be able to sign one picture "To Daniel" (me) and another to my friend, and she did <img src= and it only took a week to come back, so thats amazing, as I was expecting longer! This is one of my favourite successes so far for those reasons! <img src= - Daniel

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rita ora success ??? - 2012年8月18日
rita ora (singer) i sent her a lor/ssae on 10/8/12 and today i got this 6x4 promo signed (not to sure if genuine but ill be able to compare it to my play.com signed album coming next week), address used;Turn First Artists, Grove Studios, Adie Road, London, W6 0PW i posted photo & envelope on my facebook page; https://www.facebook.com/TonysAutographCollection -

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Rita Ora 1 Week Success - 2012年8月12日
I sent a LOR, one 10x8 photo, SASE on 28th July 2012. I got my 10x8 back signed and dedicated to me and a signed promo shot of her new single “How we do” on the 4th August 2012 Let me know your thoughts on authenticity. Address used: c/o Turn First Artists, Grove Studios, Adie Road, London W6 0PW -

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