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Rob Dyrdekの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Actor / Entrepeneur / Skater Rob Dyrdek Success - 2022年4月26日
Sent a LOR, SASE and CIC to: Robert 'Rob' Dyrdek c/o Dyrdek Machine 400 South Beverly Dr, Penthouse Beverly Hills, CA 90212 Sent: 4/8/22 Received: 4/26/22 http://surfmypictures.com/image/f3f92af976350a7b/zejkp.html

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Rob Dyrdek Success!!!! - 2012年8月7日
I am EXTREMELY excited about this one. I have loved watching Rob on TV ever since the pilot of Rob & Big. I decided to send a cast photo of Fantasy Factory to the Fantasy Factory to see if I could get everyone to sign it. I received my SASE back today, and when I opened it, I did not see my photo. Instead, Rob enclosed an 11x17 poster of himself! This is really cool. I was hoping for everyone, but this is an extremely cool success from Rob! Since he couldnt get everyone to sign my picture, Im happy he didnt just sign my cast photo and send it back. This is a much cooler thing for him to sign of himself! Sent: I forget exactly, but around July 17 or 18. Received: August 6. Total Wait: About 20-21 days Sent: 1 8.5x11, LOR, SASE Recieved: 11x17 Signed Poster in my SASE! 11x17 (I already put it in a frame) - Envelope (My stamps were stamped either!) -

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Rob Dyrdek and Big Black Success - 2011年6月29日
I was sooooooo happy to get this back, these guys are my heros! I sent Rob 2 index cards about 2 months back and asked if he could get Big Black to sign one, i got both of them back today signed in black marker. Thanks so much guys!!!!!!!!!! Address Rob Dyrdek c/o The Fantasy Factory 777 S. Mission Rd Los Angelel, CA 90023 -

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Rob Dyrdek & Drama Success - 2011年6月20日
Sent: LOR/SASE/2 pictures on April 13, 2011 Received: Signed pictures on June 19, 2011 address used: fantasy factory address Envelop - Drama - Rob Dyrdek -

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