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Robbie Coltraneの直筆サイン入り写真 (10 / 10ページ):

Robbie Coltrane (HP) Success - Authentic! - 2012年3月28日
Sent: 16th March 2012 Recieved: 28th March 2012 1 Week and 5 days. Address used: Robbie Coltrane Caroline Dawson Associates 2nd Floor 125 Gloucester Road London SW7 4TE UK [uk<!-- s[uk -->

I sent a LOR, SASE and a photo of him as Hagrid, today I got back my envelope that I supplied, along with my unsigned photo and a signed photo of him.

I am unsure about it being authentic or not as I know people get the same picture PP.
But I have compared the two autographs and they look very different from the usual PP, it also looks real in person.

I also got back a note from the agent, Belinda Wright, and again, people whom get PPs get a letter of apology from her, but mine just said,  "With Compliments"

Very strange, either way Im very happy with this.

Ill let you be the judges.

Envelope: <!-- m --><a class=http://i.imgur.com/jhfnM.jpg Note from Agent: http://i.imgur.com/nxCIa.jpg Picture I recieved: http://i.imgur.com/tQ6TR.jpg Autograph, closer up: http://i.imgur.com/fXDHZ.jpg

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Robbie Coltrane PP success - 2012年3月4日
Sent 02.08.2012 : 2 photos, LOR and SASE. Received 03.03.2012 : my photos unsigned in my SASE, PP and a letter... - Address used : Robbie Coltrane Caroline Dawson Associates 2nd floor 125 Gloucester Road London SW7 4TE UK

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Robbie Coltrane old success - 2012年1月4日
I am only just getting these old posts up here but anyway here is the Robbie Coltrane autograph I requested around about July 2011 and received September 2011. I sent: 1 photo of mine and a letter he sent back: my photo unsigned a photo of his own and a letter! I think it might be Authentic! Pictures: http://jakesautographs1.webs.com/apps/p ... =146202420 The address I used is below: Robbie Coltrane CDA 2ND floor 125 Gloucester Road London SW7-4TE UK

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Robbie Coltrane success!! - 2011年12月9日
I sent a letter and SAE and a photo to be signed to the database address on 24th october 2011 and received my reply on 4th November 2011. I received a smaller than a5 printed letter saying thanks for writing and my photo back unsigned and the same photo authentically signed. Strange but i'm happy with my success

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