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Robert Downey Jr.の直筆サイン入り写真 (5 / 9ページ):

Robert Downey Jr. feedback - 2018年11月17日
Robert Downey Jr. feedback Sent: September 28, 2018 LOR, SASE and 2 photos Address I used: Robert Downey Jr. Team Downey 1311 Abbot Kinney Venice, CA 90291-3739 USA Received back: November 13, 2018 My two photos signed

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Robert Downey Jr. success! - 2018年11月5日
I did this one for a very special 15 year old teen with aspbergers. He loves Spider-Man and Ironman. Mailed LOR, SASE, two 8x10s on 9/21/18 and received today 11/5/18 both signed to him. Can’t wait until Christmas! Waiting for Spider-Man now! c/o Team Downey 1311 Abbot Kinney Venice, CA 90291-3739 USA http://surfmypictures.com/image/ead8f61 ... s8bq8.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/ead8f61 ... 10z8i.html

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Robert Downey Jr. feedback - 2018年10月20日
Robert Downey Jr. feedback Sent: September 28, 2018 LOR, SASE and 2 photos Address I used: Robert Downey Jr. The Spanky Taylor Company 3727 W. Magnolia Suite 300 Burbank, CA 91505 USA Received back: October 16, 2018 My 2 photos signed (autopen)

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Robert Downey Jr. Success!!!!!! - 2018年8月27日
I sent a SASE on August 7th, 2018 I received back on August 27th, 2018 The autographed photo came back from Spanky but is real as it chipped part of the silver sharpie when I dropped the corner of glass on it. Address used: Robert Downey Jr. Team Downey 1311 Abbot Kinney Venice, CA 90291-3739 USA Link: http://surfmypictures.com/image/e6b9c3f ... 11sb1.html

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Robert Downey Jr. Success! - 2018年6月26日
I sent a 8X10 photo 5-8-18 and got back today 6-26-18 signed! Robert Downey Jr. Team Downey 1311 Abbot Kinney Venice, CA 90291-3739 USA Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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