Robert Englundの直筆サイン入り写真 (20 / 21ページ):
Robert Englund Success! - 2011年10月16日 I sent a LOR and a SASE to Robert Englund (address in database). He sent this cool postcard signed!
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Robert Englund Success - 2011年10月4日 SENT: 7/14/2011 - LOR, SASE & 2 Photos.
RECIEVED: 9/30/2011 - Only one photo signed, and he included an unsigned photo.
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Robert Englund (Freddie Krugar) SUCCESS - 2011年10月3日 Sent: 9/20/11
Received 10/2/11.
Sent to
Robert Englund
1278 Glenneyre
PMB 73
Laguna Beach, CA 92651
I sent a SASE and a LOR he sent me the picture
Pic here:
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Robert Englund success! - 2011年9月23日 today, after a near 4 month wait, i got a signed B&W postcard from Robert Englund (my most wanted autograph thus far). also in the envelope were a couple of flyers about conventions he will be appearing at that id simply love to go to but are nowhere near me.
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Robert Englund paid book/sketch success!!!!! - 2011年7月22日 On July 12th i ordered Robert Englunds book from his website, i believe i paid $35 for it & today, July 21st i received it signed, personalized, with a Freddy quote & with a Freddy sketch, it is a phenomenal book, i have already read the whole thing, i recommend it to anybody that is a fan of his, he is such a nice guy. He goes into detail about his life, how hard it was to work on the Nightmare on Elm Street movies, how he almost did not return for the sequels after #2, how he got his start, & some crazy fan stories as well, & talks a little about fanmail!!. pic is below, this is one of my favorite successes i have gotten.
Personalized To Kyle, freddy quote, sketch & autograph
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