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Robert Gibsonの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

Robert Gibson success - 2019年7月27日
Sent him an 8 by 10 on 7-19-19 and got it back today signed today, 7-26-19. Here's the addy I used: All Pro Championship Wrestling Academy 7575 Owl Creek Dr. Suite B Douglasville, GA 30134

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Robert Gibson success - 2016年7月30日
On 7.22.16, sent LOR, SASE, & 8x10. Received my picture back signed on 7.29.16. I'm planning to send it to Ricky Morton next to hopefully get it completed. Address: Robert Gibson 3518 Pine Grove Dr Douglasville, GA 30135-2664 USA Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Robert Gibson Success! - 2016年7月20日
On July 6, 2016, I sent an 8x10, LOR, and SASE to professional wrestling legend, Robert Gibson. On July 20, 2016, I received my signed and personalized photo. Address: Robert Gibson 3518 Pine Grove Drive Douglasville, Georgia 30135 http://surfmypictures.com/image/b38638a ... 4jg1f.html

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Wrestler Robert Gibson (Rock 'N Roll Express) - 2016年6月25日
Sent a LOR, SASE, and CIC to : Mr. Robert Gibson 3518 Pine Grove Drive Douglasville, GA 30135-2664 Sent : 6/15/16 Received : 6/24/16 http://surfmypictures.com/image/4128ccf ... dtb7h.html

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Robert Gibson Rock 'n' Roll Express Success - 2015年10月8日
Sent: LOR, photo and SASE on 9/26/15 Received: Photo Personalized, inscribed and signed on 10/08/2015 Address used: Ruben Cain 3518 Pine Grove Drive Douglasville GA 30135-2664 https://scontent-dfw1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hp ... e=568D0CF9

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