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Robert Lasardoの直筆サイン入り写真 (3 / 5ページ):

Robert LaSardo x 2 Successes! DEATH RACE - 2012年6月18日
Addresses Here----> Robert LaSardo 1223 Wilshire Blvd. PO Box 660 Santa Monica, CA 90403 USA Autographs---> Success (23 Days) 2012/05/19 2012/06/11 4/4 SIgned Success (23 Days) 2012/05/19 2012/06/11 2/1 Signed [youtube8A4dUnKGsSQ[/youtube

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Robert LaSardo (Email Success) - 2012年6月13日
http://robertlasardo.net/Contact.html Sent : 1 June 2012 Received : 13 June 2012 12 Days - -

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Robert Lasardo Awesome Success - 2011年11月3日
I sent him an email thru his website http://www.robertlasardo.net/ about 4 days ago and got these pictures back. He is my favorite character in Nip/Tuck and Death Race. Pics: - Envelope: -

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Robert Lasardo success - 2011年10月25日
On 10-1-11 i sent Robert Lasardo a LOR, and SASE and today(10-25-11) i received in my SASE 2 8x 10 color ISP. Address used was : Robert Lasardo 1223 Wilshire Blvd. #660 Santa Monica, Ca. 90403 No scanner

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Robert LaSardo - 2011年10月2日
I have send e-mail: http://www.robertlasadro.net My site : http://helen-autographs.narod.ru -

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

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Former Mlb Mike Hartley Success
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Former Mlb Jaime Cocanower Success
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