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Roberto Baggioの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Roberto Baggio success - 2016年6月13日
Roberto Baggio January 8, 2016 For the second time I’m receiving an autograph from the legendary Baggio. He won the balon dor in 1993. I sent him a letter again as I wanted a dedication on a photo. I sent him 2 photos and 1 20x30cm photo. He signed all of them with a dedication. I waited less than a month to get a reply from his private address. Via: TTM Waited time: 20 days Received: 08.01.16 Sent: 18.12.15 Dedication: Yes Sent: A SAE with a LOR, 3 photos, and 1 euro picture: or

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Roberto Baggio success - 2015年2月10日
I sent letter, SAE, IRC, 3 photos and index card to this great legend 3 weeks ago on his private address. I received 2 photos signed. Photo is here: http://surfmypictures.com/image/133384e ... u0mrl.html

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Roberto Baggio success - 2011年12月3日
Wrote to Baggio around July time, sent photo, letter, sae, got back my photo signed and personalised. Address used - Roberto Baggio Federazione Italiana Giuoco Calcio Via Gregorio Allegri, 14 00198 Roma Centralino: 06/84911 Italy

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