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Robin Williamsの直筆サイン入り写真 (6 / 11ページ):

Robin Williams Non-Profit Success! - 2013年3月9日
Im currently collecting autographed memorabilia and other items for a non-profit, and one of the people I opted to mail was Robin Williams. I was hoping just for an autographed picture, but I got a wonderful surprise in the mail today, as Mr. Williams sent a signed playbill from his show, "Bengal Tiger At The Baghdad Zoo"!! Robin Williams was already one of my favorite actors, but he may very well have moved into first place in my mind! Great guy! I researched other pictures that were declared authentic, and I feel pretty good about this one. Any opinions are accepted, though. Robin Williams Mailed w/ LOR & SASE: 2/25/2013 Received: 3/09/2013 -

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Robin Williams Success??!! - 2013年3月9日
So this is my 1st time ever sending something out in the mail to get autograped. I used Robin Williams address found on this site and sent on 2/28/13 Received today 3/9/13 Does anyone have any thoughts as to authenticity?? Thanks in advance - - Poster - -Up close signiture - - Address Boxed

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Great Robin Williams Success! - 2012年12月25日
Sent on: Nov. 11th. 2012 Received on Dec. 24. 2012 Sent letter, 3photos, and SASE got all 3 photos signed and personalized to me. Here are the pictures and the envelope, sorry the pictures are a bit blurry had to use my ipod touch because my scanner broke. I used the address in the database. - - - -

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Robin Williams... Success??? - 2012年12月19日
Sent: November 3rd 2012 Received: December 18th 2012 Sent: 2 Pictures, SASE, Letter Received: 2 Pictures signed, my envelope, very out dated letter (see pictures) Address used: Robin Williams 1 Blackfield Dr. Suite 409 Belvedere-Tiburon, CA 94920 USA Please comment to see what you think - I am guessing its secretary or assistant. Sorry the picture is to the side, Photobucket is being hard on me and wont let me rotate it! - - Thank you Fan Mail!!

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Robin Williams Success!!! - 2012年12月9日
Sorry the pictures arent to good I had to take them with my phone. The second picture is a close up of the autograph. I sent a request letter only to the address in the database. I got back the picture show below. The envelope it was sent it had only my address on it and no return address so I am not sure if my request was sent anywhere other than the address on the database. - -

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