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Roman Gabrielの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 2ページ):

Roman Gabriel NFL Success - 2016年7月18日
Sent LOR, SASE, TC and $10 to: Mr. Roman Gabriel P.O. Box 4173 Calabash, NC 28467 Received my card back signed and personalized, and he wrote a note on the back of my letter answering my question about why he chose to go to the NFL as opposed to the AFL. Sent: 6/27/16 Received: 7/16/16 Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Roman Gabriel, Ex NFL QB, Success - 2015年7月31日
Sent a letter, Sports Illustrated, silver Sharpie, $10, SASE on 7/22/15, addressed to: P.O. Box 4173, Calabash, NC 28467. SASE returned 7/31/15 with SI signed and personalized in silver, and with 1969 NFL MVP added(As requested). Mr. Gabriel also added a signed Press Pass Legends Hall Of Fame Edition card. Nice, quick return. Sorry no photo.

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Roman Gabriel (LA Rams) failure..sort of - 2011年8月5日
On July 28th, 2011, I sent a card, letter and SASE to former LA Rams quarterback Roman Gabriel. I had to do some hunting to locate an address for him and was pretty stoked to find one. On 8/4/11 received my card and letter in the mail with a note on the back of my letter saying that he charges $10 per autograph. Then it looks like he actually autographed the back of the letter, but not the card. I was disappointed that he didnt sign the card because he is one of the few Filipino/Caucasian NFL players and that is my sons mix. I know all the debate about players charging for their autographs. Bottom line is, if you really want the players autograph, you will pay for it. They have every right to charge, especially those who played in the old days when pay was so low they had to have a job in the off-season. Still disappointed that he didnt sign and am trying to decide if I will send the card and $10. If you would like to have his addy, it is: Roman Gabriel P.O. Box 4173 Calabash, NC 28467-0373 -

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