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Ron Karkoviceの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

Ron Karkovice Former Chicago White Sox Catcher 3rd Attempt Success - 2021年5月26日
Sent a LOR, a SASE, and 5 cards ('88 Topps, '91 Donruss, '93 Upper Deck, '93 TSC, '94 Topps Gold). All 5 cards returned signed in blue ink. My first two attempts were sent to invalid addresses. I finally had success on the 3rd try to the address now listed in the database. Sent: 04/20/21 Received: 05/25/21 (35 days) Ron Karkovice 1396 10th Street Orange City, FL 32763-3646 http://surfmypictures.com/image/fa4a8f12efedbc84/j1wxj.html Uploaded with http://surfmypictures.comsurfmypictures

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Ron Karkovice Former MLB 2nd Failed Attempt - RTS - 2021年4月11日
Sent a 2nd request on 03/29/21 to P.O. Box 217 Osteen, FL 32764-0217. I received the original envelope back which was marked as the address being vacant on 04/08/21. I sent the 1st request not long before in mid March to the address listed in the data base, 13066 Hatherton Cir Orlando, FL 32832-6178. That request was also sent back to me marked RTS. If anyone has a current, updated address please let me know. Thanks. http://surfmypictures.com/image/91aa68a2da2544e6/nnf3k.html Uploaded with http://surfmypictures.comsurfmypictures

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MLB Ron Karkovice Success - 2020年11月3日
Sent a LOR, SASE and TC to: Ron Karkovice P.O. Box 217 Osteen, FL 32764-0217 Sent: 7/10/19 Received: 11/3/20 http://surfmypictures.com/image/8e9d7ad0ebcd6ec4/cyxkp.html

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Ron Karkovice (Chicago White Sox catcher) success - 2013年8月20日
Sent LOR and 3 cards in SASE on 08/12/13 and today 08/19/13 I received all 3 back signed. address used: Ron Karkovice c/o Camden Riversharks 401 Delaware Ave. Camden, NJ 08102 USA sorry no scanner

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Ron Karkovice (Camden RiverSharks) - 2013年7月5日
I sent this drawing to Ron Karkovice on June 7, 2013. It was signed and returned to me on June 24, 2013; 17 days later. http://geraldscarpenter.wordpress.com/2013/06/29/ron-karkovice/ address: Ron Karkovice Camden RiverSharks 2101 Delaware Ave Camden NJ 08102

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