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Ron Necciaiの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Ron Necciai MLB Success - 2025年1月6日
I wrote to Mr. Necciai on 11-24-2024 and I heard back on 01-06-2025 Ron Necciai 6261 Overlook Lane Belle Vernon, PA 15012 http://surfmypictures.com/image/4f31cfaa77817c6b/a2cad.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/4f31cfaa77817c6b/2q6t4.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/4f31cfaa77817c6b/1pv8t.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/4f31cfaa77817c6b/pcdvr.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/4f31cfaa77817c6b/wxggl.html

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Ron Necciai Baseball $$$ - 2024年10月2日
Ronald Andrew Necciai [NEH-chai, (born June 18, 1932), is a former Major League Baseball starting pitcher who played with the Pittsburgh Pirates in the 1952 season. Necciai is best remembered for the unique feat of striking out 27 batters in a nine-inning game, which he accomplished while playing with the Class-D Appalachian League team, the Bristol Twins, on May 13, 1952. He is the only pitcher ever to do so in a nine-inning, professional-league game. Pittsburgh Pirates (1952) Sent him 2 cards on 21 Sep and got them back signed on 2 Oct. He charges $5 per autograph, he is 92. He said he liked having Joe Garagiola catch for him.. That is a great name from the past.. Mr Ron Necciai 6261 Overlook Ln Rostraver Township, PA 15012

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MLB Ron Necciai Success - 2021年5月18日
Sent a LOR, SASE and 2 TCs to: Ronald Necciai 6261 Overlook Lane Belle Vernon, PA 15012-3928 Sent: 5/8/21 Received: 5/17/21 http://surfmypictures.com/image/2498252be7e69fa4/w2lwm.html

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Ron Necciai Baseball - 2020年4月24日
Ronald Andrew Necciai [neh-chai, (born June 18, 1932 in Gallatin, Pennsylvania), is a former Major League Baseball starting pitcher who played with the Pittsburgh Pirates in the 1952 season. He batted and threw right-handed. Necciai is best remembered for the unique feat of striking out 27 batters in a nine-inning game, which he accomplished in the Class-D Appalachian League on May 13, 1952. He is the only pitcher ever to do so in a nine-inning, professional-league game. Sent him 1 photos on 13 Apr and got them back signed on 24 Apr. He also wrote on the photos, 5/13/52 - 27 K's No hit - No Run Mr Ron Necciai 6261 Overlook Ln Rostraver Township, PA 15012

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