Rosamund Pikeの直筆サイン入り写真 (8 / 8ページ):
Rosamund Pike Success - 2011年6月7日 c/o United Agents Ltd.
12-26 Lexington Street
London, W1F 0LE
Sent custom card, letter, SAE
Received card signed in SAE
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Rosamund Pike Success!! - 2011年6月7日 Being a huge James Bond fan I decided to send a request to Rosamund Pike who played Miranda Frost in Die Another Day on February 22, 2011 and received 1 out of the 4 photos I sent on June 7 2011. Im so happy. My first success. Rosamund Pike is such a wonderful actress and an intelligent beauty.
I used the address:
United Agents
12-26 Lexington Street
London W1FOLE
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Rosamund Pike Success (I have a question) - 2011年6月7日 Today, I received a signed photo from her.
I asked a few questions to her, and her assistant kindly answered to my questions.
I have a question. Does her signature is real? or sec?
Because her assistants handwriting was so similar to Rosamunds signature.
The letter is personal, so I do not upload.
(You can see the letter in my website. The image is very small, sorry.)
But I am very happy with this success Her assistant is very kind and Rosamund is a very talented actress. She is my favorite actress
Sent: 07/16/2010
Received: 06/07/2011
Rosamund Pike
United Agents Ltd.
12-26 Lexington Street
London, W1F 0LE
Comments are welcome Sorry for my English
Izumi |  |
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Rosamund Pike very nice success!!! - 2011年6月6日 Sent two photos, LOR, and an SASE plus $5 to cover return postage to Rosamund Pike at the United Agents Ltd. address in London found in the database five or six months ago. Received the two photos back today signed (one personalized)....a wonderful success from a very sexy and talented Bond girl....
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Rosamund Pike personalised! - 2011年5月5日 Repost to help the sites database
Hi All I sent off 2 photos to Rosamund in June 2010 and received them both back in July 2010. Nice and quick, plus they were personalised!
Address used:
Rosamund Pike
United Agents Ltd.
12-26 Lexington Street
London, W1F 0LE
Pics here: ... -pike.html
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