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Ross Lynchの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

Ross Lynch PP Success - 2013年9月23日
Sent:8/06/13 ( LOR,SASE ) Received: 9/23/13 Address used: Ross Lynch R5 P.O. Box 280154 Northridge,CA 91328 It is a PP <img src= - - -

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R5 | Ross Lynch (Disney) - Riker Lynch (Glee) - Success - 2013年8月16日
Today I got R5 - presigned picture and a thank you for your letter post card sent: june 12, 2013 received: august 16, 2013 address used: R5 PO Box 280154 Northridge, CA 91328 -

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Ross Lynch R5 - 2013年1月11日
I always seem to send letters right as they start sending APs -___- sent: LOR, and sase on 12/30/12 received: AP autographed picture on 1/11/13 Ross Lynch R5 P.O. Box 280154 Northridge, CA 91328 USA -

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Ross Lynch (R5) Success - 2012年11月15日
On October 17th 2012 I mailed a picture to Disney star Ross Lynch at the following address.... Ross Lynch R5 PO Box 280154 Northridge, CA 91328. and on November 13th 2012 I received it back signed! - They also sent back the following picture...but it was not signed. I might mail it back and request for it to be signed as well. - I also received back a picture signed by Ross sister Rydel who is in his family band "R5" - & an R5 postcard. - Was very cool to get all these additional things along with the picture I had sent <img src=

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Ross Lynch Success - 2012年9月30日
i sent a letter to ross lynch from austin & ally a whole ago, and got back a preprinted autograph in my SASE . i am still happy with the success though because i also got 2 postcards from his band! preprint autograph: - 2 postcards from R5: -

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