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Roy Thinnesの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 2ページ):

Roy Thinnes success - 2013年6月22日
Sent a LOR, photo and SASE on 5/21/13 Received photo personalized and signed on 6/6/13 Address used (from his website, not in the database): Roy Thinnes 1910 Madison Avenue #511 Memphis, TN 38104 He also included a personalized and signed flyer for a book on The Invaders TV series. -

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Roy Thinnes (THE INVADERS-David Vincent) - 2013年5月22日
Date Sent: February 26th, 2013 Date Received: May 22nd, 2013 Sent LOR, SAE and 8x10 colour "X-Files" fan club photo to: Roy Thinnes 163 Amsterdam Suite 307 New York, NY 10023 USA Received photo back signed, inscribed and personalised. Also received another 8x10 colour photo from Roy as David Vincent in "The Invaders" signed, inscribed and personalised plus an 8x10 flyer for an updated edition of "The Invaders" Companion Guide signed. Thank you very much Roy. Here are the links for the photos/envelope. ROY THINNES "X-FILES" FAN CLUB PHOTO: - ROY THINNES "THE INVADERS" PHOTO: - ROY THINNES "THER INVADERS" COMPANION GUIDE FLYER AUTOGRAPH: - ROY THINNES ENVELOPE: -

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Roy Thinnes - 2012年8月13日
Hi people! I sent a lor, a sae and 2 pics on July 7th to Mr. Thinnes and today i received my 2 signed pics, another signed pic and a poster in another sae but this is much better xD This is the address i used: Roy Thinnes 163 Amsterdam Suite 307 New York, NY 10023 USA Pics and the envelope: http://mj0r-autographs.blogspot.com/201 ... nness.html - - Me and my dad we are fans of The Invaders <img src=

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Roy Thinnes - 2012年7月9日
Hi, I sent Roy 2 photos on the 8th of May 2012 and they both arrived back as well as a couple of extra items plus a note. The TV Guide photo and Add for the Invaders book both signed were unexpected but Im thriller to have. Im a big fan of the Invaders so Im very happy with the result. Roy seems like a really nice guy, I wrote to the address from his web site: Roy Thinnes 163 Amsterdam #307 New York, NY 10023 USA - - - - - -

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roy thinnes - 2011年11月8日
Send on 04/10/11 LOR , SASE and 2 photos . On 08/11/11 I recieved my photos signed <img src= <img src= Used address in database ! photo 1 : http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/5829/scannen0006re.jpg photo 2 : http://img43.imageshack.us/img43/4025/scannen0003gx.jpg

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