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Rusty Youngの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Rusty Young Singer Songwriter Poco - 2018年11月6日
Norman Russell "Rusty" Young (born February 23, 1946, in Long Beach, California) is an American guitarist, vocalist and songwriter best known as one of the frontmen in the influential country rock and Americana band Poco. A virtuoso on pedal steel guitar, he is celebrated for the ability to get a Hammond B3 organ sound out of the instrument by playing it through a Leslie speaker cabinet and as an innovator of producing other rock sounds from the instrument. Poco is an American country rock band originally formed by Richie Furay, Jim Messina and Rusty Young. Formed following the demise of Buffalo Springfield in 1968, Poco was part of the first wave of the West Coast country rock genre. The title of their first album, Pickin' Up the Pieces, is a reference to the break-up of Buffalo Springfield. Throughout the years Poco has performed in various groupings, and is still active. Sent him 2 photos on 21 Sep and got them back signed on 5 Nov. Also sent a guitar pick with pocoband.com on it plus their horse logo on it.. Included was a business card celebrating 50 years of Poco 1968 - 2018. [youtubeM8oK0fbNWm8[/youtube [youtubeC6-hHgQ7CvA[/youtube Mr Rusty Young c/o Rick Alter Management PO Box 1864 Brentwood, TN 37024

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