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Rutger Hauerの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

Rutger Hauer SUCCESS - 2018年8月27日
sent: early 2016 (I think) recv'd: Aug 27, 2018 Sent one (1) 8x10, SASE, LoR to Rutger Hauer well over two years ago Rutger Hauer c/o Hyler Management 20 Ocean Park Blvd. Ste. 25 Santa Monica, CA 90405 USA

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Rutger Hauer - success !!! - 2012年11月23日
Hi, sent 2 photos on the 10th April to address in database. Arrived them back signed and personalized on 22nd Nov. I´m really happy about, because he is a great actor! -

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Rutger Hauer Success :) - 2011年9月9日
SENT: 10 Feb 2011 LOR 8x10 SSAE RCVD: 9 Sept 2011 8x10 autographed & dedicated in my ssae Address used: Rutger Hauer Starfish Association Via Tulipani, 2 20146 Milano Italy Autograph: http://autographcollectorofoz.blogspot. ... hauer.html My ssae: -

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Rutger Hauer Personalized Supersucces! - 2011年5月13日
Hey! im a huge fan of Rutger...send my LOR and SASE in March. used addres in database.... its my fave autograph and my nr one wanted! Love his blue pen... its the excact colour of the study, so hell get a very special place! so friday the 13th is a VERY lucky day for me! <img src= Im a huge fan of Rutger ever since i saw him play Floris! Its a pleasure to be dutch and see him in so many good movies.. Cant wait fo Dracula 3D to come out....I loved him in Blade runner (thats the picture) and in Salems Lot (he plays a vampire, so scary good!).....But i love tonz of his work, only this are my faves of him...And in alot of dutch movies aswel. but you wont know them i think, so i wont mention them .....hell play Heineken soon in a movie.... look forward to that! he makes dutch movies so good! -

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Rutger Hauer Email Success! - 2011年5月9日
Sent him an e-mail via his website http://www.rutgerhauer.com/ about a month ago. Got today his signed photo. Heres photo -

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