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Sabatonの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 3ページ):

Sabaton (SUCCESS!!!) - 2014年2月4日
Hello, Today Ive found a postcard from Sabaton with their autographs. Its great that it wasnt destroyed because it was sent only as a postcard, not in envelope like last time. I contact them by their website contact management at sabaton.com <img src= Actualisation in line-up = actualisation of autographs 8)<!-- s8) -->  <!-- s<img src= --><img src= - -

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Sabaton email success - 2014年2月3日
Send email to the Sabaton management in the early January. Came yesterday signed postcard. - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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" SABATON " - 2014年1月31日
I have send e-mail : management at sabaton.net Our with my daughter Helen sait : http://helen-autographs.narod.ru -

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sabaton quick email success - 2014年1月27日
i sent an email to sabaton around the 20th of jan 2014 and received a signed postcard today 27th jan. very happy with this as been a fan of the band for a long time now.

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Sabaton Success (postal card) (e-mail) - 2014年1月23日
Sent 23.11.2013 management at sabaton.net R eceived 21.01.2014 - -

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