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Sam Perkinsの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Sam Perkins (NBA and UNC star) Success - 2012年8月14日
Sent Mr. Perkins 3 4x6s, LOR and SASE on 6/23/12 and received all three back today signed (8/13/12). Address used: 14901 Bellbrook Dr Dallas TX 75254 -

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Sam Perkins success x2! - 2012年8月7日
On 7/23/12, I sent a letter, two cards, and SASE to Sam Perkins 14901 Bellbrook Drive Dallas, TX 75254 On 8/6, I received both cards back signed in blue sharpie! Sorry, no scan. A great, quick success from this former NBA player, '84 Olympian, and one of UNC's finest!

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Sam Perkins Success - 2012年7月10日
On 8-24-11, I sent a LOR, SASE, and basketball card to Sam Perkins at : Sam Perkins 14901 Bellbrook Drive Dallas, TX 75254 On 7-9-12, I received my basketball card back autographed.

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Sam Perkins (former Lakers forward/center) success x3 - 2012年3月5日
Sent this great ball player 3 trading cards back on 9-26-11 and got them back today, 3-5-12. Here's the addy I used: Sam Perkins 14901 Bellbrook Drive Dallas, Texas 75254

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Sam Perkins (UNC & NBA baller) success - 2011年8月5日
Sent a letter, two cards and SASE to Sam Perkins on March 3, 2011 and received both cards signed on 8/5/11. Perkins was on one of the greatest college basketball teams of all time as he was teammates with Michael Jordan and James Worthy. Had a solid NBA career. I sent the cards to his basketball camp: Sam Perkins Carolina Alumni Basketball Camp 1289 Fordham Blvd Ste 226 Chapel Hill, NC 27514 Thrilled to get both of these signed. I can add it to my collection of Carolina autographs -

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

Hi Everyone!
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Kevin Bacon
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Sid Bream Baseball $$$
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Mark Hirschbeck (Former Mlb Umpire) Success!



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