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Samantha Eggarの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 2ページ):

Samantha Eggar (Voice Actress) Success - 2017年7月6日
Sent: 6/09/17 2 photos + index card Received: 7/03/17 2 photos signed + index card Address used in the database Samantha Eggar Tri-Booking Management 10401 Venice Blvd Suite 266 Los Angeles, CA 90034 USA

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Samantha Eggar SUCCESS - 2017年4月4日
Address used: Samantha Eggar Tri-Booking Management 10401 Venice Blvd Suite 266 Los Angeles, CA 90034 Sent a letter, one photo, and SASE on January 27, 2015. Received my photo signed and personalized today. I was very surprised to get this. I thought maybe the address was outdated or she didn't sign anymore. Over two years! That's the longest it's ever taken in between sending and receiving for me! Very happy! I did also try to acquire an autograph through her website at the same time that I mailed this, and never received a response. Her website states that she requires a $20 payment for autographs. I don't remember, but I'm pretty certain I did not send a $20 check with my letter.

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Samantha Eggar (Cold Case) - 2013年1月5日
She played Sister Vivian Dole in Cold Case episode The Boy in the Box (S1E14) Sent: 5.9.2012: letter, photo and SASE Received: 4.1.2013: my photo back signed in my SASE Address: Samantha Eggar Tri-Booking Management 10401 Venice Blvd Suite 266 Los Angeles, CA 90034 USA photo: -

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actress "Samantha Eggar" success - 2011年12月15日
She began her acting career in several Shakespearean companies, and debuted on film in 1962 in The Wild and the Willing. Also in 1962 she played Ethel Le Neve in the film Dr. Crippen, alongside Donald Pleasence. Eggar starred in the comedy Walk Dont Run (1966) with Cary Grant, his last picture. She received a nomination for the Academy Award for Best Actress for The Collector (1965), directed by William Wyler. She won a Golden Globe award for this performance and was also named Best Actress at the Cannes Film Festival. Eggar appeared in such films as Curtains, Doctor Dolittle, The Molly Maguires, Dark Horse, The Brood, and The Light at the Edge of the World. In 1972, she played the governess opposite Yul Brynner for the short-run TV show Anna and the King. In 1977, she co-starred with Peter Falk and Theodore Bikel in the Columbo episode The Bye-Bye Sky High IQ Murder Case.She appeared as Maggie Gioberti in "The Vintage Years", the pilot for the drama Falcon Crest, but was replaced by Susan Sullivan when the series went into production. In 1997, she provided the voice of Hera in Disneys animated film Hercules. Eggar also had a role in a 1999 picture, The Astronauts Wife, which starred Johnny Depp. mailed photo 10-15-11 received signed 11-19-11 used: Samantha Eggar 5005 Varna Ave. Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/14 ... 008ow.jpg/

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