Sammy Winwardの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):
Sammy Winward confirmation and thanks ( Emmerdale) - 2014年4月3日 I sent some chocolates as a Thankyou, plus letter and SAE asking if she recieved them by Recorded Delivery on: 26th February 2014, and on Monday I recieved this signed and personalized photo from her, thanking me.
address I used was:
Sammy Winward,
c/o Emmerdale Production Centre,
27, Burley Road,
Here is the pic:
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Sammy Winward Q+A success - 2014年2月7日 I sent a letter asking some questions, and SAE to Sammy on: 20th January 2014, and today I recieved my Q+A back answered, plus she included a signed and personalized photo too.
address I used was:
Emmerdale Production Centre,
27, Burley Road,
Here are the pics:
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Sammy Winward success - 2014年1月19日 I sent a christmas card for Sammy, plus extra one, letter and SAE on: 20th December 2013, and on Wednesday I recieved my extra card back signed and personalized, plus se included a signed and personalized photo too.
address I used was:
Sammy Winward,
c/o Emmerdale Production Centre,
27, Burley Road,
Here are the pics:
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Sammy Winward success - 2013年12月18日 I sent 2 photos, letter and SAE to Sammy on: 11th December 2013, and today I recieved both photos back signed and personalized from her.
address I used was:
Her home in Bolton
Here are the pics:
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Sammy Winward success ( Emmerdale) - 2013年4月16日 I sent a letter and SAE to Sammy on: 25th April 2012, and today I recieved this signed and personalized photo from her.
address I used was:
Sammy Winward,
c/o Emmerdale Production Centre,
27, Burley Road,
Here is the pic: - |  |
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