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San Diego Padresの直筆サイン入り写真 (10 / 13ページ):

Padres pitcher "Cory Luebke" success (San Diego Padres) - 2012年6月7日
mailed card 3-27-12 received signed 5-29-12 used: c/o San Diego Padres Peoria Sports Complex 16101 N. 83rd Ave. Peoria, AZ 85382 (Note: this was spring training camp) now can be reached at: c/o San Diego Padres PETCO Park 100 Park Boulevard San Diego, CA 92101 http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/694/rrrrrsb.jpg/

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Chase Headley (San Diego Padres) - 2012年5月6日
Mailed: 04/15/12 Recvd: 05/05/12 Item(s): x2 cards Chase Headley c/o San Diego Padres PO Box 122000 San Diego, CA 92112 -

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Orland Hudson - San Diego Padres - Success - 2012年3月27日

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Gregg Olson (San Diego Padres) double success - 2011年9月27日
Gregg Olson was one of the best relief pitchers in Baltimore Orioles history. I was able to see him when he played AA ball in Charlotte. So I was able to find out that he is a scout in the San Diego Padres farm system. On 8/18/11 I sent him a letter, two cards and SASE to the database addy for the Padres. On 9/26/11, both card came back signed. One is his rookie card. One of my favorite Orioles TTM so far. -

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Bud Black Success!!! (San Diego Padres) - 2011年9月23日
I sent a letter, 1 card, and SASE to Bud Black, the current Manager of the San Diego Padres, and former player. on 8/30/11 and received it back today 9/23/11 signed with a black felt tipped marker!! Sent to: Mr. Bud Black San Diego Padres PETCO Park 100 Park Blvd. San Diego, CA 92101 Picture Here: http://img703.imageshack.us/img703/4449/budblack.jpg

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

Former Mlb Jaime Cocanower Success
2025年3月 8日
Former Mlb Galen Cisco Success
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Tamsin Greig Success
2025年3月 8日
Alison Steadman Success
2025年3月 8日
Nicolas Cage - Rts
2025年3月 7日
Benjamin Byron Davis Rts
2025年3月 7日
Martin Scorsese - Rts
2025年3月 7日
Former Mlb Oddibe Mcdowell Success
2025年3月 7日
Susan Seaforth Hayes
2025年3月 7日
Former Looney Tunes Voice Actor/commercial Producer Noel Blanc Success
2025年3月 7日



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