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Sean Paulの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

Sean Paul success! - 2012年10月6日
Hello. About 2 months ago I sent an email to Sean Paul's management. I then received an email back saying he was on tour, but he'd sign something for me once he was available. Today I received a signed picture from him. So happy! Picture: Sorry, no envelope. ... PawsUp

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Sean Paul (e-mail) success personalized !!! - 2012年10月4日
Hey i send a e-mail start of June to his Management. i get a e-mail back they say "he is on Summer tour, as soon as he is back in Jamaica, they will send me one.." today (October 4th, 2012) i get my autograph from Sean back, personalized <img src= ) totally happy with it <img src= here is my autograph and envelope: - DON´T ASK FOR THE E-MAIL, I DON´T GIVE IT OUT!!

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Sean Paul success - 2012年10月2日
Sent: at via his management 14.07.2012 Received: 1 photo 01.10.2012 - -

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Sean Paul success!!! - 2012年10月1日
On 9th May 2012 I sent an email to someone from Sean's management. Few days later this person emailed me back saying that 'Sean is currently touring. As soon as he is back in Jamaica we will arrange for the picture to be autographed for you.' Today, 1st October, I checked out my mailbox and found his autograph! I'm really sorry, but I won't give out the email address Return address on the envelope: Headline Entertainment 8 Haughton Avenue Kingston 10 Jamaica Photo Envelope

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SEAN PAUL (PERSONALIZED SUCCESS!)(9/22/12) - 2012年9月23日
I sent an email to Sean Pauls personal assistant back in June (while he was on tour in the US which wasnt a good time to send it because he was in the US but like the assistant said when he comes back after tour I will have him sign one for you and I GOT THE SUCCESS TODAY!) I got a beautiful 8x10 today...LOVE IT! - -

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