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Sebastian Stanの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

RTS Sebastian Stan Infinity War Address - 2017年10月13日
Photos: Sent to Infinity War filming location (Avengers Infinity War, GA 30214) on 22nd of July, just got it bounced back to me today, 13th of October. Bit disappointed because the address was listed as good 'til December at the time, but ah well, gotta keep trying!

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Sebastian Stan - 2015年7月6日
Sent LOR and self-addressed stamped envelope on January 23rd, 2015. On July 6th, 2015 I received this autographed 8 x 10 photo. Address from database used. Please see below for link to photo and envelope : http://surfmypictures.com/image/a4fd0bc ... fs8i9.html

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Sebastian Stan - (Gossip Girl) - 2012年7月18日
Hey, This afternoon I got a success from Sebastian Stan - Gossip Girl, Captain America etc. Sent: Two photos, LOR, SASE, Sent 11 April 2012 Sebastian Stan Brookside Artist Management 250 West 57th Street Suite 2303 New York, NY 10107 USA Received: Two photos signed back in my SASE on 18 July 2012 Pictures: http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/903/sebstan1.jpg http://img855.imageshack.us/img855/787/sebstan3.jpg http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/1609/sebstan2.jpg - with envelope Thanks guys <img src=

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Sebastian Stan Success - 2012年2月22日
SENT: 12/7/2011 RECIEVED: 2/21/2012 I loved him in The Covenant - and also enjoyed his performance on Gossip Girl. =) PHOTOS: ENVELOPE: ADDRESS USED: Sebastian Stan Brookside Artist Management 250 West 57th Street Suite 2303 New York, NY 10107 USA

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Sebastian Stan (Captain America) success - 2011年12月5日
Got my custom card back signed. Mailed 7/15/11..Recv.12/5/11 Mailed to:Brookside Artist Management 250 West 57th Street Ste. 2303 New York, NY 10107 -

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

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