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Sepp Maierの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 2ページ):

Sepp Maier Success - 2014年8月18日
Sended an email request to his website after 1 week i receive this signed photo -

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Sepp Maier Success! - 2014年6月12日
Sent e-mail through his website (http://www.seppmaier.de), received signed card today, June 12th! Very happy for this, I didnt expect a reply as I had tried before and didnt hear back! <img src= -

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Sepp Maier email success! - 2011年7月6日
Sent: email 2 weeks ago Recieved: today, 6th july 2011 a signed clubcard Photo: http://fenerkanaria.webs.com/apps/photo ... =130806903 Envelope: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/19 ... rmail.jpg/ check out my website, now we two new albums! www.fenerkanaria.webs.com //G

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Football World Champion Sepp Maier email fast success x2 - 2011年6月24日
see the autographed photo here: http://autographvip.blogspot.com/2011/0 ... otbal.html autographs received 10 days after my email request "Sepp" Maier is a German former professional football goalkeeper.His nickname was "Die Katze von Anzing" ("the cat from Anzing") for his fast reflexes. Maier was selected in the West Germany squad for four consecutive World Cups. In 1966 in England, he was a non-playing deputy to Hans Tilkowski. At the 1970 FIFA World Cup in Mexico, he was the undisputed starter and played all games (including the legendary 3–4 semifinal loss to Italy after extra time) except the third-place match. In the 1974 FIFA World Cup on home soil, at the top of his footballing abilities, he reached the peak of his international career as the Germans went all the way to the final with a legendary team that included the likes of Franz Beckenbauer, Berti Vogts and Gerd Müller. The greatest triumph came when the hosts defeated a Johan Cruyff-inspired Netherlands team 2–1 in the final in Maier's own hometown Munich.

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