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Sergio Garciaの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Sergio Garcia Success! - 2015年1月16日
Today I got a reply from the Spanish golf player Sergio Garcia! I sent an e-mail to: his website contact http://www.sergiogarcia.com/en/ and got a signed photo Photo: - http://www.facebook.com/Soccer.Autograp ... =1&theater Thanks Sergio Garcia!

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Sergio Garcia Success! - 2014年12月9日
Sergio Garcia (TTM) I sent an email 3 days ago and received a signed card from Switzerland very fast. Pleased with this and I used his contact form on website http://www.sergiogarcia.com/ Wait: 3 days -

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Sergio Garcia email success - 2014年10月4日
Sergio Garcia email success used contact form on his website http://www.sergiogarcia.com/ Recently was a victor in Ryder cup ;)<!-- s;) --> 

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Sergio Garcia Success! - 2014年8月19日
On June 1, 2014, I sent a request for Sergio Garcias address through his webpage: http://www.sergiogarcia.com/en/ I received a response the next day asking for my mailing address. On August 18, 2014, I received a nice 5x7 signed photo from Mr. Garcia. -

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Sergio Garcia - 2014年5月28日
Sent an request via his website on 23/5/2014 and recieved 28/5/2014. Fantastic success considering the shirt turnaround time and it was sent from Switzerland!. I recieved a hand signed 10x8 pic. Fantastic success as I'm a huge golf fan. Unfortunately can't upload a photo :-(

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