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Shane Douglasの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Shane Douglas Disrespectful RUDE FAIL - 2023年9月21日
Sent a letter to address and $10 for one signature. Keep in mind if he didn't want to sign he could've returned everything, or even requested more money. Instead I received the photo I sent unsigned, and a note from Shane. My money was gone and the note said, "I am worth more than your ten dollars." A non PG statement followed that I will not post. So if you wanna meet Shane Douglas be prepared to meet a prick, he had no problem taking that $10 and insulting me at the same time. I was a real fan of his, but now I think he is a bleach blonde whale that works in Buffalo Wild Wings parking lots for a promotion in which you have to bring your own chair from home to have a seat. Check out his ego filled interviews on youtube under ACW wrestling in which they inflate his ego even more that he typically does. I know I will have someone stating that he owes me nothing, I agree. I am fine being turned down for autographs and I have lost money before. But he blatantly took time to insult me, disrespect me, and steal my money outright mocking me for it. Thus my post as a warning to others

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Shane Douglas success - 2018年10月26日
I sent a 8x10 picture to Mr. Douglas and received it back yesterday Shane Douglas c/o AAW Wrestling 23443 W Link Ln Plainfield, IL 60586-8049 Sent 7/10/18 Received 10/25/18 http://surfmypictures.com/image/880d24a ... 5079c.html

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