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Sheila Reidの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

Sheila Reid (Madge from Benidorm) Success! - 2025年3月11日
Sent LOR, 6x4 & SASE on 19/02/2025 Received photo signed on 03/11/2025 Address used: c/o Independent Talent Group Ltd 40 Whitfield Street London W1T 2RH United Kingdom Uploaded with

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I've been a huge fan of Benidorm since episode one. I loved the Garvey famiy and Madge was my favourite character. I was really disappointed when she left the show in 2015 so I thought I'd contact her. Sheila Reid has a long career in film, theatre and television but became widely known when she accepted the role of Madge in the award winning comedy series, Benidorm, from 2007. She played the cantankerous granny of the Garvey family. I sent a 4 page A5 LOR, 2 A4 photos,SASE. Address: (taken from Fanmail.biz) Sheila Reid Conway Van Gelder Grant Ltd, 8-12 Broadwick Street, 3RD Floor, London W1F 8HW I received both my A4 photos personally autographed accompanied with a personal note from Sheila. Sent: 13/07/2015 Received: 22/07/2015 Turnaround: 9 days I'm very pleased and greatful to Sheila for taking the time to write me a note.

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Sheila Reid (Doctor Who) fast reply - 2015年1月22日
Sent to Sheila Reid from her 2 spells on Doctor Who Sent 2 photos from both sets of episodes took 10 days via address in the database Sheila Reid Conway Van Gelder Grant Ltd. 8-12 Broadwick Street 3rd Floor London W1F 8HW UK - - -

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Sheila Reid Madge from Benidorm success - 2014年1月13日
Just Received back from the hilarious Sheila Reid. What did I send? A letter and a SASE What Address? Conway Van Gelder Grant address When Did I post? 30th December 2013 When Did I receive? Today (13th January 2014) Received... 1 photo signed in a NEW SASE and a letter Photo of Autograph: - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures Photo Of letter: - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Sheila Reid Benidorm - 2013年10月29日
Hi received this after 2 weeks.. Used add on database x - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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