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Shelley Duvallの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

Shelley Duvall - RTS - 2020年8月20日
Sent photos on 7/23 to Shelley Duvall at the 8545 Ranch Rd 1623, Blanco TX 78606 address that was previously listed. Received back unopened, with "Return to sender attempted - not known unable to forward" on it by the post office. Tried to upload a picture of the envelope, but can't figure it out. Here's the link:

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Shelley Duvall RTS - 2020年8月3日
Shelley Duvall 11510 Bristol Lane Ct Houston, TX 77066-38023. received a post it saying following in bold lettes "wrong address" They also kept my letter and ripped in half photos I sent to be autographed

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Shelley Duvall-RTS - 2020年7月2日
received RTS on data base address anyone have the new address? Shelley Duvall 11510 Bristol Lane Ct Houston, TX 77066-3802

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Shelley Duvall Failure - 2020年5月7日
Sent a Shining DVD and an envelope, got my envelope back 9 days later with my DVD unsigned.

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Shelley Duvall RTS - 2018年8月16日
Hi I wrote to Shelley Duvall Tejas Cabolleras 8545 Ranch Road #1723 Blanco, TX 78606-5170 And it was returned, now time to try the newest address. Uploaded with

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

Macaulay Bruton Success
Joan Collins Success
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Franz Von Bayern Success
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Nfl Darrell Taylor Fail / Rts (Houston Texans)
Leslie Uggams Success
Nfl Jonathon Brooks Fail / Rts (Carolina Panthers)
Nfl Peter Skoronski Fail / Rts (Tennessee Titans)
Nfl Ivan Pace, Jr Fail / Rts



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